Exercise - Two Dozen

     While my first set of images were taken in the city with lots of buildings on every corner, I feel that I did better in my second set which is taken in Cameron Park. I took more time to look for the right shots and really took the time to think about different perspectives. On my first set, I stood the entire time not changing my level. The second set, I remembered that I could bend my knees and get lower. I think this happened because there was not a lot going on in nature like there is in the city, so it pushed me to get different kinds of perspectives. I also think I was more relaxed on the second set and felt comfortable with the objective. The images got increasingly harder to shoot because I got all of the big central objects done first. I focused first on the most important visual aspects first. This led me to take more time for the little things that I might've missed. 


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Exercise: Two Dozen

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